Weight on Jiaojiao’s Mind

Once he caught sight of that girl in a fierce stance behind him, Li Yi finally understood why he wanted to go for Italian Flavor.

There was a time in his past life when Jiaojiao mentioned in passing that she hated the Italian style...

Er... Did he subconsciously want to come here?

But now, Li Yi did not have time to think about this silly question.

Separated from him by a table, sat four people. Three females and a male. The young lady with a wild nature and slender legs that went for miles was none other than Invincible Jiaojiao.

A potbellied middle-aged man sat there, looking highly esteemed and projecting a dignified demeanor. One could tell he was a man of status. Beside him was a woman decked out in jewelry. She was checking herself out with a compact mirror.