Holy Light Protection

Li Yi had already predicted this outcome, but not the exact ending...

With Holy Spear sticking out of his body, Li Yi did not have the option of releasing his soul. He blacked out. Once he came to, he found himself imprisoned in the Church of Light's underground basement. 

He lost some EXP from the death of his character. He was lucky he had not dropped any equipment. Opening his Status Panel, Li Yi started to make sense of the situation.

He had already resurrected. He was currently held in custody by Karlinthor for being a Pagan. The countdown on his panel indicated that he was to be locked up for three days.

If he were to stick around for those three days, he would never be able to complete Augustus' quest.

He could not use a Return City Stone. Return Scrolls were ineffective as well. Li Yi tried every way he could think of to leave this place but the results were fruitless.