Fire Devil’s Emblem

Fire Impact! Maylia's Wind Shield Protection!

Li Yi used his two special skills which granted a bonus in movement speed and rushed to the back of Ivrit's corpse. He then looted the Dwarf's best invention from the Flame Crown, the Encyclopedia of Engineering.

He had finally obtained it!

Li Yi was relieved. At the same time, the system announcement appeared.

This incident has been recorded into the Pantheon Hall of Fame records!

[Player Dark Wing led his party Little Drunk Cat and has successfully obtained the first kill of the Fire Devil Instance Dungeon's boss, Ivrit. System reward of 1500 Gold Coins! Obtained 5000 points Reputation Value from various major cities obtained! 350,000 EXP obtained! Additional Skill Points +3 obtained. The Fire Devil's Emblem has been rewarded for being the first to kill the Fire King's Ending.]