Red Dragon Queen’s Blood

Li Yi climbed up Blade Peak and explained his intention to Augustus.

"I've got a cup of dragon blood here. Have that person drink it, and it should restore his body."

Augustus showed Li Yi a cup of steaming dragon blood, and the Red Dragon Queen kneeling at his feet immediately trembled.

A cup of dragon blood was priced at 5,000,000 Gold Coins!

Li Yi traded the 5,000,000 Gold Coins that he had prepared earlier on.

System Notification: [You have obtained a cup of dragon blood.]

Li Yi put the dragon blood away and asked, "Is there any still?"

"Roar…" The Red Dragon Queen angrily spurted a burst of flame at him. Fortunately, Augustus was standing on the side. With just a light tap of his hand, the flame was dispersed.

Augustus shook his head. "The little fellow's misbehaving. She just threatened me to say that if I take her blood again, she'd fight me."

'Sure enough, there's only one cup.'