Ice Crystal Crown

"Psst! Psst! Psst! Psst! Buzz!"

Powered-Up Arrows flew from every direction, taking down multiple rows of players at a time.

Meanwhile, Li Yi was quickly flying about. The combination of Camouflage and Invisibility Potion enabled him to dart into every nook and cranny like a wandering spirit.

"Split up, everyone. Don't stand together!"

Not Gray Wolf finally realized the issue. With over three hundred of them running about, Li Yi could not make his move.

Apart from setting the various traps, the only AoE skill he had was Powered-Up Arrow. Now that they were scattered, he could not take down multiple targets in one shot. Of course, his movements also similarly restricted by their chaotic fleeing. Invisibility Potion did not have the same effect as Camouflage, if the opposing party were to initiate Sensory, then he would immediately be exposed.