The Punishment Paladin

Accelerate and storm forward!

2000 people unleashing their spells at the same time was a spectacular sight. If Li Yi were to be hit by this, he would have been instantly killed, even if his HP was doubled. Fortunately, these people did not attack synchronously as some of them still tried to rub their Return City Stone. Furthermore, Li Yi was not a dummy target as he skilfully evaded the majority of the attacks before once again taking shelter behind the stone. He moved about in circles around the stone so that the majority of the people could not lock on to him.

Li Yi did not have to delay for long, a few minutes was more than enough.

Sure enough, this assumption held true. After one minute had passed, Pretty Good Mood rushed to the scene with a huge party in tow. They killed Gray Wolf the moment they spotted him before launching into a large-scale massacre. Ten thousand against two thousand, the result was obvious, was it not?