Deep-red Seahorse

The Archer class could equip two types of weapons, namely the bow and the crossbow. Of these, the bow was high in damage and shooting range, but slower in its attacks. The crossbow was the complete opposite in that its shooting damage was relatively low and the range short, but the attacks were extremely quick.

Although the Murloc Crossbow was not extremely rare in and of itself, it was still much better than the +13 Frost Longbow Li Yi was currently using. Li Yi switched his weapon to the Murloc Crossbow and gave it a try. It felt decent.

He had the Magic Crystal now, so Li Yi skirted around a few waves of monsterlings and arrived in front of the Big Murloc Rudderman had mentioned.

The Big Murloc was called Goska. It was more than thirty meters tall, a failed product from the Vile King's experiments on transforming murlocs. Goska did not differentiate friend from foe, fighting anyone it saw, which was why it was tied down by a thick steel chain.