The Vile King

According to the official introduction, the Baseball Elder had been undefeated by murlocs ever since it had been transformed by the Vile King. It had not lost even once in several decades, making it the number one powerhouse in rock-paper-scissors among the murlocs.

The reason for that was very simple. The Baseball Elder was currently a large crab, so all it could use was scissors. As for the murlocs, they had no bones and their hands were webbed, so all they could use was paper…

He had a 100% win rate thus far, but now Li Yi had beaten him twice in a row. That effectively ignited the Baseball Elder's fuse.

The Baseball Elder's body began to turn slightly red. His two snake-like eyes stared hard at Li Yi, and a five-second countdown appeared above his head.

Li Yi hurriedly leaped onto Goska. The countdown above the Baseball Elder's head ran out, and he shot a ray of red light from his eyes. The light enveloped Goska.

"Creak creak creak bang!"