Enemy Tank Lo and Dream Pen Huang

"Shoot, c'mon shoot... That's right, like that. Carry on..."

Li Yi brought Jiaojiao to Curse land for a shootout, taking Cursing Disciples out one by one from afar.

Because Jiaojiao's ATK was horribly low, to circumvent this Li Yi presented her with 5,000 Intermediate-Level Flame Arrows to increase her damage.

They were done clearing all possible dungeons and were now utilizing the remaining time to level up in the wild. Jiaojiao's level skyrocketed to Level 33 in less than 10 days.

"Another 7 Levels before I graduate. How tiring."

"Thinking of graduation already? It's too early to think about that. Not everyone can switch to Black Paladin class you know," Li Yi burst her bubble.

"If I can't switch to Black Paladin, I'll burst open your assh*ole!" Jiaojiao gave Li Yi the middle finger.

Li Yi was rendered speechless...

"Wait for me here. The black and white bosses will respawn up ahead. Time to complete a quest."