The Perfect Pair

She's overpowered!

Li Yi had long heard about Princess Huaiyu's peculiar temper. It was no longer a rumor after Li Yi had witnessed it for himself that day. Although Unease Without Ejaculation had only posed a question, she immediately turned hostile as if he was the one at fault…

Unease Without Ejaculation made his way back to his corpse in a rush as he wished to fight against Princess Huaiyu again.

The victor would be hard to determine if these two were to PK fair and square. Unfortunately, Princess Huaiyu had the upper hand as Unease Without Ejaculation had only half of his HP when he revived. How could he tank Princess Huaiyu's burst of attacks in that state?

He was felled following the three consecutive revives and stood no chance against Princess Huaiyu in this state. Unease Without Ejaculation eventually stopped resurrecting and threatened Princess Huaiyu verbally. "I'll remember this!"