The Dragon Slayer

Mounts, regardless if it was a combat mount or a non-combat mount, were able to carry a passenger. However, the mount's SPD would be reduced if two people were on board and there were only a few large size mounts that were exempted from this.

Black Dragon King Ferrian's HP had already dropped to zero. While it was technically dead, it managed to retreat by sheer will. This battle would have gone to waste if no one was able to find its corpse.

Fire Ice's Heavenly Warhorse had incredible speed as it had no problem catching up with the already dead Ferrian despite carrying an additional player.

"Father… save me…"

Ferrian screamed as it soared in the sky. It was not flying in a random manner as it kept flying towards North. Players who were not familiar with the King of Pantheon's plot would not be able to able to understand this but Li Yi knew that it was trying to seek for its father so that the latter could revive him.