The Truth In The Eyes of the Public

"We have nothing to talk about!"

Xu Man was notably gloomy. As she tried to leave the room, Li Fei stood against the door obstructing her.

"What do you want!"

"I don't want anything. I just want to talk to you calmly. Please have a seat."

Li Fei let out a sigh as he saw Xu Man taking a sit. He lighted a cigarette and said, "Your father and my father are comrades and we grew up in the military courtyard together. You're likely to know my personality, right?

Xu Man ignored him. All she did was gaze anxiously towards the exit.

"I don't understand why but both Moony and you have decided to ignore me. What have I done? Do you still not get the feeling I have for you?"

Xu Man was disgusted upon hearing Li Fei's words. She dashed to the door and tugged with all her every strength but to her surprise, the door had been locked up.

"Is there anyone outside! Anyone! Save me! Lil Ice! Lil Ice!"