The Advantages of Double Healer

The four women all rushed up at once, surrounding Li Yi and using their strongest moves on him. Little Elf from the Magical Realm and Fire Ice did not deal very much damage, so it was all on the sisters, Xu Man and Moonlight Ocean. In the end, they did not need all 10 seconds. The four girls killed Li Yi within 7 seconds.

When the 10-second countdown came to an end, the four women were instantly left with 1HP each. However, since Li Yi had died in the middle of the sacrifice, the ceremony failed and Nunnally was hit by the repercussions. Li Yi was resurrected with full health whereas another 10-second countdown appeared above Nunnally's head instead.

"Forget healing, attack with all you got!"

Li Yi barked loudly and the four girls attacked at once, launching their assault on Nunnally.