Closed Beta VS Reincarnation

The entire Huashan Guild was immediately obliterated. From the first attack to the last man being felled, it took only 26 seconds.

Just as peace returned to the area beneath the dragon skull, two tiny black dots appeared in the sky far away, closing in, and finally descended on the skull itself.

Dark Wing was here!

On the Griffin together with Dark Wing was an Orc Warrior with dual axes, and Fire Ice arrived on Heavenly Warhorse with Little Elf from the Magical Realm.

The four of them arrived at the same time!

Arthur sported a slight smile and said, "Haha, Dark Wing, I thought you'd have chickened out!"

Li Yi scoffed and said straightforwardly, "Can we start now?"

"Of course!" Arthur did not hesitate.

After confirming that it was Li Yi who arrived, the crowd began boiling over again. Most of them were relieved. Those who had bet kept their bets going, and those who did not join in the commotion.