In the Name of Justice

In his previous life, Li Yi had attempted to slay Akna three times in total. However, he had only succeeded once, in the other two times, his kills were stolen by other players.

Akna was an Undead Summoner, she would only drop Undead Summoner related Skill Tomes or equipment. Naturally, a Level 100 epic-level boss' drops would not be trash, as each piece would send any Undead Summoner into a frenzy.

Akna's HP could reach 90,000,000, and her attacks were ordinary. However, her Summoning Spells were crazy OP as she could endlessly summon small monsters. Fighting her was a headache, even in Li Yi's previous life, he had to rely on his weapon's draining effects to grind her down.

Akna raised her Bone Shield and continuously waved the pitch-black staff in her hand, summoning skeletal crows, skeletal bats and various other undead creatures, which immediately enveloped the area and swooped murderously towards Yuria.