
Hunter Goddess's Divine Soul and the Wrath of the Stars have merged!

What sort of change would come about from the integration of Divine Flesh and Soul? Li Yi held his breath in anticipation.

5 seconds later...

10 seconds later...

25 seconds later...

The orange bow showed no change.

"Goddess? Goddess?"

"My... My soul's too weak. Carulla's pestering me endlessly, I..." Hunter Goddess' fragile voice was heard coming from the orange bow.

"Goddess, you're so weak!" Li Yi was fuming. 

"I'm no match for Carulla. Young hero, kill 20,000 monsters as soon as possible. Once I absorb enough Soul Power, it should be enough to banish Carulla's Divine Soul. But before that, I shall fall into a deep slumber..."

Hunter Goddess has yet to finish her words when communication was cut off. Li Yi quickly received a quest.

[Quest title: Divine Soul Strengthening]