Starting Again

System Notification: [Fire Ice has left the party…]

Everyone corpse ran back into the dungeon, and Fire Ice immediately went offline after she respawned.

"Oof, the little missy is disheartened," sighed Big Boy.

Feeling guilty, Li Yi took off his goggles and called Fire Ice on the phone.

After a long period of ringing, Fire Ice finally picked up the phone.

"I'm stupid aren't I. I'm so sorry for always dragging you down…"

"What do you have to be sorry for? You were pretty impressive back there. Since it's your first time doing this dungeon, it's only natural for you to make mistakes. So, stop blaming yourself, you did well. I used to be weaker than you, but look at me now, who could beat me?"

After a solemn silence, Fire Ice replied, "I know that you're consoling me, thanks. However, I don't want to drag the party down anymore, so …"

"No buts, come online at this instant! This is a command from your Guild Master!"
