One Disaster After Another

The number of members in Three Major Guild Alliance surpassed that of Iron Alliance by multiple folds but no matter the multitude, they were nothing up against their enemy's unlimited resurrection. Those from Three Major Guild Alliance were slowly being exterminated one by one until there were only members from Iron Alliance left at the Resurrection Point.

It was equipment drop galore from both parties, causing loss to some and gain to others. In a chaotic battle rampage situation such as this, it was basically finders keepers.

However, it was not long before Three Major Guild Alliance assembled in Resurrection Point No. 2.

There were Resurrection Point No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 outside Celestial Capital. Resurrection Point No. 1 is around East Gate, No. 2 was near West Gate while No. 3 was a bit further away, a running distance above ten minutes.

Defiantly Tyrannical was gathering his military power to strike at East Gate.