Gryphon Paladins

The second boss battle of Light Conference was no longer situated within the dark Earth Palace. Instead, it was held in an open field. Resplendent sun-rays greeted the party as they were now outdoors.

It had already been two months since its release, but the second boss of Light Conference remained undefeated.

The party could hear roars it the sky periodically above them. A company of gryphon-riding Paladins was hovering in the air and there were a hundred of them in total. Those paladins were the second bosses!

You heard that right. This time, Li Yi and the others would have to face a grand total of a hundred boss-level monsters!

Although each Gryphon Paladin only possessed 500,000 HP, taking them down was no easy task as the Paladins employed 'Sudden Impact' to assault their opponents.