Legendary Items

"This is the energy! Divine Soul Jade!"

The orange bow quivered as Hunter Goddess spoke.

Du du du du!

Divine Jade was vibrating non-stop in response to Hunter Goddess' call.

"Give me the Divine Jade. I will refine it and break the seal!"

Hunter Goddess extended a transparent arm from within the orange bow to grab the Divine Jade.

The flashing red light glowed red over Li Yi's face.

"I'll need a bit of time…" Hunter Goddess tightened her grip on Divine Jade. Her voice weakened as she summoned all her divine forces to trigger energy from Divine Jade to repair her damaged Divine Soul.

Li Yi was overjoyed.

Hunter Goddess' actions indicated one thing and that was the beginning of the seal-breaking process!

Would it break one seal? Or perhaps two seals? Or better yet… all the seals?

Li Yi was lost in thought.

"Brother Dark Wing, why aren't you looting the corpse?" Hua Feihua walked over and asked in confusion.