Glory Equipment Set

It was not Li Yi, but Scumbag Wang who replied. He felt that Amber Sword Heart was trying to act the cool guy.

Amber Sword Heart did not respond to his taunt as he had no interest in Scumbag Wang. He was only looking for one person and that was Dark Wing!

Of course, Li Yi heard Amber Sword Heart's call.

He was gobsmacked. He did not think Amber Sword Heart would be able to free himself from the Soul Bind state.

"Perverted Wing, is he your enemy?" Jiaojiao asked.

"I guess so."

Jiaojiao waved her greatsword, "Slice him?"

Li Yi took out his Divine Looking Glass to show Jiaojiao Amber Sword Heart's stats. Jiaojiao was completely shocked.

"How can he be so good?" Jiaojiao gasped with surprise.

Indeed he was good. A body of purple-colored equipment and all of them legendary. Each equipment added DEF and reduced damage. With close to 30,000 in DEF, anyone would hesitate.