An Unexpected Twist

"God Mode!"

Li Yi took off into the air and began attacking the four Superior Ember Spirits below him.

"Shoot at Random!"

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Countless Star Arrows were shot frantically in all directions, damaging the four Superior Ember Spirits as their HP continuously decreased.

Enraged, the four Superior Ember Spirits let out a feral cry as they launched a counter-offensive. Despite that, their attacks could not reach Li Yi as the distance between them was just too great.

Just like that, Li Yi had blown through the hardest checkpoint without breaking a sweat!

The Superior Ember Spirits died at nearly the same time, and once they were dead, Li Yi steadily landed on the platform.

The purple treasure chest was still flickering, and it was locked. Li Yi attempted to open it via Universal Key, but it was futile.