Beloved Bracelet

Emperor Lan battled it out with a giant dragon engulfed in flames in the grotto filled with boiling hot lava. Flashes of bloody crosses flickered in the air at times. It was accompanied by roars of Flaming Dragon that shook the earth...

Southern Continent's Camp Hero, Emperor Lan was the only remaining living God-chastised Paladin left in King of Pantheon. His power rivaled that of Augustus, but he was still losing the fight when faced with the malicious Flaming Dragon.

Flaming Dragon's body stretched up to thirty meters. Although its height could not be compared to the Black Dragon sibling duo, it made up with its body that was burning in scorching flames. If it were not for Emperor Lan's unparalleled skills, he would have been roasted long ago.

"Cross Slash! Chastising Sword!"