Master Engineer

In a blink of an eye, another three tanks were destroyed. Defiantly Tyrannical was so mad that he cursed uncontrollably and gave the order to destroy the enemy with extreme prejudice.

When Defiantly Tyrannical first stole the tanks from the Iron Alliance, he was extremely happy. No matter how others may judge the act, he had finally regained some of his pride, and on the plus side, he also hindered Li Yi somewhat. However, he never expected to encounter these bunch of idiots that attacked at first sight. When he finally gave the order to counter-attack, they were already at a disadvantage.

Explosions rocked the air, and during the explosions, the Three Major Guild Alliance lost all ten of their tanks…

However, the black tanks were not any better. They had lost nine tanks, and their remaining one was at low health and billowing smoke. Even moving around placed a great strain on it.

Both sides suffered heavy losses!