No Patch, No Down

Explosions rocked the air as the tanks pressed forward. Whenever they encountered large mechanical arachnids, the first thing they did was to flee. If fleeing was not an option, their only choice was to lock themselves in a deathmatch.

The party under Brother Windcloud Nine's command constantly had their tanks demolished, whereas Li Yi who trailed behind them constantly repaired the tanks they left behind. As such, the tanks in Li Yi's arsenal continued to increase.

Aside from that, they did not let the tanks that were abandoned by the other parties go to waste. Whenever they had a chance, they made sure to recover them.

Thum! Thum!

A huge iron fortress could be seen from afar, and in front of this fortress, stood a five-meter-tall colossal robot spider. It constantly shot lasers toward its surroundings and attacked any enemies it saw.