A Man’s Ego

Li Yi went offline to have his meal. All of the players who were watching around them gradually went off on their own ways. What use would it be to stand around the area when the bodies on the ground were not even there anymore?

"Don't leave, everyone, don't leave…"

Sister Windcloud Nine became agitated and tried to persuade the people to stay while hugging her staff. Initially, some players did stay around, but soon they all left after that.

In a blink of an eye, ten hours have passed. Only Sister Windcloud Nine remained there in the plains.

However, Li Yi was still offline…

At that moment, Sister Windcloud Nine was very conflicted. She wanted to leave and stay at the same time, and she struggled with her choice for a long time. She was also terrified that Li Yi would suddenly come online, but at the same time, she was also worried that he might not come online. Ah, such contradictions.