Dark Horse

The Decadent Ghoul's attacks had a special ability to cause Silence. Once it was used, it would be difficult to defend against.

With Double Curse applied, the damage dealt by Mortal Strike was increased to 13,000 and its blood-draining ability was improved greatly. Although it could not cancel out A Bucket of Paste's damage reversal, she could at least keep up with him.

"Gng! Gng!"

A Bucket of Paste's palms amassed flames of Holy Light and he tossed them towards himself. With a shimmer of Holy Light, he had healed himself.

Paladins were shameless, hence exchanging blows with the class was time-consuming.

The first round of crossing swords between the two had resulted in Jiaojiao losing half her HP while A Bucket of Paste had fully recovered.