Faded Cloud Breeze

Brother Windcloud Nine had fallen, and it was now up to Violent Bear King to defend against Frost Cell. Following Li Yi's orders, it constantly dragged Frost Cell away.

Their strategy was flawed. In truth, they only needed one zombie to be grazed by the blue Frost Shard in order to reduce Extreme Frost's stacks.

Right now, too many zombies had been grazed, and it had thrown the battle into disarray.

Fortunately, Violent Bear King was quite reliable. Though its HP still dipped from time to time, there were hundreds of healers backing it up. As long as Frost Cell did not go berserk, it would not have much problem enduring its attacks.

The ten or so upgraded zombies had been slain, and the main tanks ran back to their posts to continue tanking Frost Cell.

Violent Bear King's task was complete. Though it did not die, its meager damage was negligible to Frost Cell.