Mindless Boss

Li Yi retreated tens of meters back while Sister Windcloud Nine took the chance when Mutated Yuge was turning its head to resurrect and ran behind Ouyang Qian.

It was then tha major reinforcements came — Fluttering Snow Alliance, Arthur's Empire, Legendary Tribe, Reigning the World... More and more players arrived.

There was a time limit for players going into the second phase of the battle. Once the time limit was up, the number of players could not be increased any longer.

Li Yi looked into the number of survivors left in the party, it was 2,865.

"Guild Master, how do we play this?" Unending Unmatched walked over.

Li Yi raised his voice, "Those with 10,000 DEF step forward."

Thirty-seven main tanks walked out of the line. Their DEF were at least 10,000 in value.

"Buff up!"

At the sparkle of glows, their regular buffs were cast. It was not long before a bunch of statuses boosted up on all the players.