Fight-ban Order

He logged off without the 10 seconds restriction.

It was no wonder then, he could casually disappear. It was not his crazy prejudgment skills but rather his ability to log off in the midst of battle.

Was it a system bug? That was impossible. King of Pantheon's System may not be perfect but an obvious loophole like this would not be left behind.

However, what sort of equipment could produce such a powerful ability?

Li Yi quietly retreated without revealing himself.

Half an hour later, Li Yi found the two eaglets in the bushes east of the forest.

One had pure white feathers, the sign of a regular snow eagle, while the other had golden feathers. This was a Mutated Snow Eagle.

He compared their attributes before deciding to keep the Mutated Snow Eagle.

[Mutated Snow Eagle (Purple Quality)]

[Level: 1]

[Character: Sinister]

[Attribute: Ice bird]

[HP: 80]

[MP: 10]

[ATK: 60]

[DEF: 10]