Kill Old Windcloud Dog

Szh szh —

Just Like New Clothes flashed into lightning to make a quick getaway. Li Yi was staring at him and he too was staring back. Before Li Yi's arrow hit its mark, he had fled the scene.

Li Yi dared not keep his distance too close to the ground for risk of players beneath attacking him. The pathetic DEF of an Archer was incapable of handling such a scenario.

Six Overlord Arrows were fired below and three landed on other players, successfully proccing Skill Interruption.

The shockwave from the blast took out the surrounding three hundred.

"F*ck, is this even an Archer's skill? F*ck, what was that?"

"What happened? How did I die?"

The players who found themselves horizontally on the ground were running their mouths. Their sudden deaths left them in disbelief.

Szh szh —