Soul Gate

Before Li Yi clicked on Teleport, he was already in Camouflage. He then tore a Random Teleportation Scroll and waited about three seconds for the scroll to almost take effect when he clicked to confirm the teleportation.

Li Yi was immediately moved to another spot the minute he stepped into Land of Choice. Luck was on his side as he was sent to the East end, the most secluded area in Land of Choice.

Tst tst tst —

Iron Alliance forces were on the move. The players keeping watch at the gateway were unable to gain the upper hand and soon the area was seized by Iron Alliance.

Tyrant Sword King the Fifth kept his hands on the sphere as he yelled out, "Brothers, combine your forces and fight! Don't stop! Hang in there!"

It was then a screeching voice was heard, "Don't listen to him. This b*stard's playing you. He's using you guys as tools. Look, he's touching the sphere. F*ck, despicable piece of sh*t!"