Brawl King

The Soul Gate Dungeon reset once more, and the Iron Alliance party continued to attempt it. However, Li Yi did not join the party this time. He had Jiaojiao take his place, while he rode Onyxia all over the place, doing quests every day.

Although the King of Souls' first kill reward was no longer up for grabs, many players still flocked toward the Soul Gate in droves. To many high-level players, the King of Souls' equipment drops were no longer worth his time. Players like Brother Windcloud Nine, Li Yi, Confused Fox and their likes had almost all gotten a Tier 2 Equipment Set, the best possible equipment at this stage of the game. Whether or not they fought the King of Souls did not matter to them at all.

Only the players who had not obtained a Tier 2 Equipment Set had no choice but to upgrade themselves at the Soul Gate.