Absolute Defense

Flustered, Sister Windcloud Nine gripped her staff as she ran into the Flaming Dragon Lair. Watching her receding figure, Li Yi shook his head and summoned Onyxia to take flight. 

His quest was to deliver a letter and the target NPC was near the Flaming Dragon Lair. However, as the location of this NPC was not fixed, the search would take up some time. 

Li Yi circled the Flaming Dragon Lair twice and despite half an hour of effort, the NPC could not be found.

Could the NPC have been killed?

Li Yi wondered if he should continue his search when he caught sight of two Blue Dragon Whelp mounts flying from the south. 

With King of Pantheon in operation for over two years now, there was an abundance of players with dragon mounts but the majority of them were fake dragons, such as Wyverns, Red Wing Dragon, Blue Wing Dragon, etc. Though their names sounded draconic, they rarely resembled the actual Dragon Race.