Emperor of Fortune

Was it embarrassing to have your fly down when meeting a friend outside?

Not at all! At the most, you would just laugh it off, pull it up in front of your friend, and continue with, "The little bro down there needs a break too..."

See? You could defuse the situation with just one sentence.

Li Yi had left the house with his fly down before too, and he did not find it embarrassing at all. The scene before him, on the other hand, made him feel unbelievably awkward…

Onyxia was showing Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut her smacked buttocks, so what would that mean? What would Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut think?

There was no doubt that she would misunderstand.

Right now, Li Yi felt as though he was hiding in his room and jerking off with all might, only for the door to fly open just as he was about to come, and a bunch of people ran in…

Li Yi suddenly remembered a song, a classic by the band Black Panther— "Shame"!