Hidden Cave

To the east of the basin was a glacial zone, but there was no Glacier Giants in the area. There were only some specific small animals exclusive to the North Pole Continent, wandering and around their surroundings in groups or on their own.

Two Archers stood at a corner of the glacial zone. They stood side by side, their shoulders touching, shooting, and killing the Snow Deer in their sight. 

The male Archer held an Orange bow in his hand, and it was styled magnificently. It was the Wrath of the Stars! 

The female Archer had an average weapon, but she was riding and commanding a Purple-gold Combat Tiger to her combat. The damage caused by her pet alone had already exceeded the damage of that the Orange Archer. 

"Huak! Huak!" 

Two roars were heard from the direction of the basin, successfully attracting the attention of both Shoot Until Daybreak and Princess Huaiyu.