Man and Woman

Li Yi returned to the basin to save Autumn Love, and on the way, he easily killed the ten helpers again. However, by the time he reached the basin, he just saw Autumn Love lying on the ground. Princess Huaiyu was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's the person who killed you?"

Autumn Love resurrected and looked around, her eyes reddening.

There were a few piles of debris on the ground around her. They were all that remained of the materials that had been destroyed.

After Princess Huaiyu killed Autumn Love, she had initially planned to just stand there and prevent her from resurrecting. However, Autumn Love kept whining at her to "leave my materials alone", until Princess Huaiyu lost her temper and ordered her Purple-gold Combat Tiger to use Stomp on the materials, destroying them all.

"I lost so much moneyyy. Fifteen, thirty-five, sixty-eight, seventy-nine…"

Autumn Love counted the money with her fingers, utterly confounding Li Yi.