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Li Yi stared at the words inscribed on the scroll with great elation. After making sure there was no error, he instantly erupted with joy.

As of this moment, the Evil God Summoning Scroll had reached 10% progress and had unlocked one skill. That being the case, what would happen if he upgraded it even further? Would it unlock more skills as well?

The answer was most definitely a yes. As long as he continued to upgrade it, he would receive plenty in return.

After checking the materials required to increase the progress to 11%, Li Yi let out a sigh of relief.

It was only 1,000 'Exceptional Snow Lotuses'.

The Exceptional Snow Lotus only grew in areas with extremely cold temperatures such as the North Pole Continent. Though their numbers were scarce, as long as players put in their effort, it was not difficult to obtain 1,000 of these Snow Lotuses.