Forbidden Curse

There were not many skills that could be called Forbidden Curses in King of Pantheon, but most of these curses had one thing in common, which was that they were very complicated to cast. The stronger the Forbidden Curse, the harder it was to cast.

Smaller-scale Forbidden Curses like Raging Inferno could be cast by one Wizard alone, but it was relatively weaker and chanting the incantation took quite a long time as well. When it was about to be activated, there would be a visible change in the weather, so it was rather easy to defend against. All the targets had to do was find the Wizard chanting the spell and hit him. Problem solved.

Of course, be it a large-scale Forbidden Curse cast by several people in tandem or a small-scale Forbidden Curse cast solo, once it was cast, the caster(s) would suffer a penalty to some extent. The punishment could range from being Weak for a few days to permanently losing attribute points. Regardless, it was a steep price to pay.