Thunder Barrage

Fluttering Snow City, Fluttering Snow Continent.

Ever since the Invincible Continent lost the war, the Fluttering Snow City had never had a moment's peace. Countless players went there every day and used their own methods to get payback for that day's events.

Compared to the players who only ever rattled off insults, these ones undeniably walked their talk.

If they killed one before they returned to their city, they would break even. If they killed two, they would earn one. These practical types did everything within their own power to deal one blow to the enemy after another.

On the seventh day after the big battle, Unending Unmatched rode his Red-horned Griffin and landed outside Fluttering Snow City. Armed with just his sword, and with no one else around him, he strode toward the city.

When he approached the city gates, he was noticed, and several thousand players surrounded him, preventing him from advancing.