System Maintenance

Since the server shut down all of a sudden, it was only natural that there would be a notice on the official site. However, there was no mention of a new update. They just said it was a technical maintenance, but they did mention the time frame. It required at least 24 hours.

"24 hours…"

"24 hours…"

Jiaojiao and Qian'er exchanged a glance and then left with one arm around each other's shoulder.

"Hey hey hey, where are you two going?"

"Shopping!" Jiaojiao replied without looking back.

Half an hour later, Jiaojiao and Qian'er left with their handbags slung over their shoulders, holding hands.

Ice was not home, and the Xu sisters had not been around for several days. Now, Li Yi was the only one left at home…

Li Yi was bored out of his mind, so he went to a famous site and searched for Savage Lil Chilli's newest works. The search results instantly left Li Yi in stitches.