Death Harvest

Both Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut and Brother Simon pounced at Li Yi at the same time. Everyone else had expended their skills as well, with the Summoners releasing their pets while the Wizards cast great spells. All members had participated in the attack. 

Initially, Li Yi had planned to kill Bai Xiaoya right after he was done with Tyrant Sword King the Fifth. He never expected the cunning Bai Xiaoya to hide within the crowd, not giving him even a small window to attack. 

"Mountain-crushing Strike!" 

Brother Simon leaped high into the air and slashed at Li Yi with his blade as he plummeted from above. 

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut's punch, laced with a gold-colored aura, arrived at him as well. In contrast with Brother Simon, her attacks were more destructive because she was also a Territory Master like Li Yi.