The Forgotten Hero of Humanity

 Shock! Confusion! Anger!

Nobody had even questioned the source of the news, as their attention was wholly dedicated to the dissemination of the idea that Aragon had transformed into a demon…

At that time, the only person who knew the truth, Alenod had fought tooth and nail to get the truth out. Alas, his words fell on deaf ears as nobody believed him. They were more willing to believe the narrative that Aragon was a demon that infiltrated the human world and that his actions had ulterior motives.

Alenod snuck back into the secret meeting room and demanded the demon that transformed Aragon teach him the method of dispelling the transformation. Unfortunately, Alenod had committed another mistake, as he had underestimated the Demonic Tribe's cunning.

By sacrificing its own life, the demon cast a Shapeshifting Spell on Alenod. From that moment onwards, Alenod was a penguin…