Two more players required, message me if you're interested

Li Yi needed to head to the North Pole Continent in order to hand in his quest, and the two-way journey would require at least an entire day in real-time.

Thus, he decided to go there alone. He would leave Qian'er in Karan City and let her search for her own quests to carry out.

Whenever Li Yi consumed a Morphing Potion, he would take on the form of a hideous-looking lower-class demon. However, when Qian'er consumed it, the appearance her demon form took was highly bewitching. The Demonic Tribe was a weird tribe, as aside from the upper-class demons, every other male demon was ugly beyond measure. Conversely, all female demons were as pretty as flowers.

"Once I depart, make sure to not leave this straw hut within the next two hours," said Li Yi to Qian'er moments before he left.

Initially, Qian'er did not understand the reason behind Li Yi's instruction. It was only until a while later that she would finally be enlightened.