The Defiants' Confederation

"Stop walking if you want to stay alive!" 

At the entrance to Sin City, a female White Elf Vagabond with long, flowing hair suddenly appeared and blocked Li Yi's way, effectively preventing him from moving forward. 

She did not hide the name above her head. She was Alleria Windwalker. 

Li Yi did not speak. Instead, he just looked at her quietly. 

Among the white elves, there were three famous heroine sisters. Their status to the white elves was much like that of the Three Human Heroes to the humans. 

Alleria Windwalker was one of the three Windwalker sisters, a legendary heroine of the White Elves. 

Thousands of years ago, the battle to stop the demons' invasion was not fought only by humans. Instead, it involved all beings of high intelligence, including Alleria the white elf.

Alleria had gone to Foreignland alone in order to destroy the demons' teleportation point in Foreignland. After that, there was no longer any news of her.