Rage of Losers

After taking the call and after talking with Hua Feihua, Li Yi headed off to look for Jiaojiao.

Jiaojiao was mad as she disapproved of Li Yi's taste in women, whereas Qian'er was avoiding him as she felt as if he had way too many women…

It was not too hard to figure out the inner workings of his women, and indeed Li Yi had figured them out long ago.

That night, Li Yi did not reappear after he had entered Jiaojiao's room…

The next day, Jiaojiao hummed a joyful tune as she pushed open the door. Though her movements were akin to limping around, it was obvious that she was in high spirits.

In just a night, a large number of Bringing Down Dark Wing threads had appeared in Pantheon's official website. Plenty of accusations were piled onto him. It was as if Li Yi had committed a grave sin, angering the gods.