The Legendary...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Li Yi took off his trousers because he wanted to stuff the cat's foul mouth with them, but the One-eyed Giant suddenly chose that time to use Earthquake, causing the earth to shake violently.

Both Li Yi and The Cat that Sings lost their balance and fell.

Once they were struck by the One-eyed Giant's Earthquake, players would not be able to control their bodies, and their health would continuously drop as well. If the two of them were not so far from the One-eyed Giant, the quakes would have long since killed them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The One-eyed Giant continued to stomp, again and again, the powerful vibrations caused Li Yi and the Foul-mouthed Cat to need to move constantly with it. With every shockwave, they moved a little closer together, and Li Yi's half-removed trousers fell accordingly as well…

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"