The Most Overpowered Class

The third item was the best of all the items that the Lich King dropped. It was the mysterious helmet that released the black vapor.

[Lich King's Crown (Legendary-level. Non-Soul Bound. 100% chance of dropping upon the player's death.)]

[Equip-able Class: Lich King]

[+500000000 HP]

[+500000 STR]

[+500000 INT]

[+500000 P-DEF]

[+500000 M-DEF]

[Special Effect: Reduces all skill cooldowns by 100%]

[Special Effect: Recovers 10% mana every second.]

[Grim Skies (Special Skill): Unleashes a black vapor of the Darkness attribute, negating a large portion of attacks on the user. When the vapor reaches its target, the target's stats are reduced by 90%, and they will take 100000 points of Shadow Damage.]

[Note: This is a crown that is filled with malicious energy. Unless you're a Lich King, you'd best not put it on — Holy Paladin Cassius]