The Return of the Secret Weapon

"Regarding the sale of the shares, other than a girl named Su Xiaomeng buying 35% of our shares, everything else seems normal."

Wang Leitian, sitting in his office, narrowed his eyes as he took a puff of his cigar, listening to his secretary's report.

"35%..." Wang Leitian suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "How many shares did we issue?"

"We've issued 120% of our shares… It's already exceeded… Exceeded…"

Wang Leitian just waved his hand, interrupting his secretary's stutter-filled report. What Stock Overissuance meant was something that he knew better than anyone else. This was not something he had to be reminded about.

The only thing he did not expect was that the Shangri-La project would be this popular once more right after he salvaged managed to salvage it.