Spirited Away

Li Yi fought The Cat that Sings, but the match did not end as quickly as some of the others. Instead, he made the match seem very difficult, as though it took everything he had to finish off Sister Cat.

His earlier performance had been too high profile, so Li Yi wanted to be more low-key this time. At the same time, he was doing The Cat that Sings a favor by protecting her reputation, making it seem like she put up a good fight. Otherwise, with his capabilities, he could have easily killed her off as soon as he saw the whites of her eyes.

He was Level 180, with 5,856 Holy Points, a base ATK of 150,000, and 1,300,000 million HP. Those were Li Yi's current terror-inducing Attributes.

Among the monsters, there was a distinction between regular monsters, elites, and bosses. If the same categories applied to players, Li Yi would undeniably be a big boss among players.